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Our Mission

To reduce the incidence, prevalence, and costs associated with musculoskeletal disorders.

Our Story

IMC (Integrated Musculoskeletal Care), grew from a small clinical practice established in the early 1990s in Tallahassee, Florida. In 1995 the Florida-based practice hired lead researcher, Chad Gray, who together with his professional colleague and faculty member at the McKenzie Institute, Mark Miller, began to develop solutions for what they recognized to be a tremendous lack of reliability in the way musculoskeletal disorders were diagnosed, treated, and managed across the healthcare industry.


To close this industry gap, Gray and Miller launched IMC utilizing its Outcomes-Accountable™ Standard of Care to broaden the original clinic’s reach and accelerate the overall reduction of MSD incidence, prevalence, and costs in every feasible market.  Since its inception, IMC has launched major corporate pilot programs and in-house clinician support for brand-name, Fortune 500 partners as well as established a world-class network of education, training, and treatment facilities to improve lives and productivity.

IMC Founders


Chad Gray

MS, PT, Cert MDT

CEO - Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc

Bachelor of Physical Therapy - FAMUniversity

Master of Biochemistry - Florida State University

MDT Certification - McKenzie Institute U.S.


Chad Gray has been a clinical practitioner for over two decades and is a widely recognized entrepreneur, health-benefit design consultant, and concierge practitioner who is focused on innovations in musculoskeletal triage, health care, and self-care. A thought and practice leader in group health, workers’ compensation, and disability outcomes optimization, Gray has a proven track record of performance improvements in health benefits design, clinical residency programs, employer-based clinics, primary care practices, orthopedic triage facilities, sub-acute rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, and physical therapy clinics.


After receiving his master’s degree in Biochemistry from Florida State University, Gray went on to graduate from Florida A&M University with a degree in physical therapy in 1994, earned a Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy credential from the McKenzie Institute International in 2002, served on the Board of McKenzie Institute U.S.A. and has taught Accountable Community Development to hundreds of STEM researchers, human capital consultants, insurance brokers, benefit program directors, and clinicians.


Gray remains a trusted consultant to the C-Suite of self-insured companies, as well as to vice presidents and directors of group health, workers’ compensation, and disability programs. He is a regular speaker at national orthopedic conferences and a guest lecturer in a broad range of clinical education settings.


Mark Miller


CCO - Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc

Bachelor of Physical Therapy - University of Toronto

Bachelor of Human Kinetics - Windsor University

Faculty/MDT Certification - McKenzie Institute U.S. 

Miller has been a clinical practitioner for 34 years and is a widely recognized health industry pioneer, clinical educator and concierge practitioner focused on breakthroughs and best practices in musculoskeletal triage, health care, and self-care. His institutional clients have included market-leading corporations as well as standard setters in clinical quality.


Miller graduated from the University of Toronto in 1987 and co-developed the McKenzie Institute International’s North American clinical residency program.  He currently serves on the faculty of the McKenzie Institute International and U.S.A. and has taught over 330 continuing education courses to physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, and others with an emphasis in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT). With unsurpassed expertise in the assessment, treatment, and resolution of musculoskeletal disorders, Miller has been productizing and syndicating musculoskeletal care strategies for over two decades with the goal of maximizing the health and socioeconomic improvements of individuals, organizations, and communities in the U.S. and abroad.


Miller is a trusted consultant to group health, workers’ compensation, and disability insurers and program directors. He regularly keynotes and speaks at major conferences in the U.S. and abroad. Miller currently serves as Co-Founder, President, and Chief Clinical Officer of Integrated Musculoskeletal Care (IMC), a global leader in musculoskeletal outcomes optimization.

Meet the Team


Matt Wlodarski

Creative Development Director

Doctor of PT


Northwestern University

Nick Belles

Vice President of Operations

BS - Biology

BS - Science Teaching

Florida State University

Betsy LePorin

Vice President of Human Resources

MS - Human Resources

Florida State Univeristy

Branden Futch

Vice President of Marketing

BS - Marketing

Furman Unveristy

MS - Marketing

Florida State University

Steve McClellan

Vice President of Information Technology and Security

BS - Data Science

MS - Information Security

Florida State University

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